Monday, February 2, 2015

The Internship

Over the next few weeks I am going to be doing a blogging series about being an intern. This series is primarily for a business class I am in where we are studying about the impact of information systems and how social media is a factor in that. I am going to try to explain what being an intern entails and what has benefited me in being an intern.

As I have previously written about (, I am currently an intern with University Events at Abilene Christina University. When people ask what I do it is difficult to explain because my job requires me to wear many hats. The better question would be "what do I not do?." I have had a wide array of opportunities ranging from making copies to designing events.

I have had the opportunity to be apart of the logistics and implementation of ACU's Open Assembly which starts the new school year.

{Since I did not get to carry the Oklahoma flag in the parade this year I naturally had to snag a picture with it.}

Opening Assemble was the first event I got to work and I was on a trial run throughout the weekend prep leading up to the actual event. I was pretty excited when I got to wear a walkie talkie at the event, even though it didn't actually work.

{Pretty official, am I right?}
A few weeks into working at UE I got to have an official ACU name tag of my own and I wear it any chance I get. 

{I had to call my mom and tell her about my exciting news of getting a name tag. Much official. Such intern.} 
Along with getting an ACU name tag, another goal I had when I got on campus was to drive a golf cart. The gator is close enough. 
{Name tags and gators-the ACU dream}
I also have a set of what I generally refer to as "janitor keys". Although I never seem to have the keys that I need. 

{Got keys?}
I got work a concert event in Moody Coliseum for a vocal music group called Home Free. 

{Rock on}
I get to design center pieces every so often. 

{It's fall y'all}
I get to plan events. 

{Read more:}
Sometimes I get to buy 40 poinsettias from Lowes. 

{I got some weird looks}
All in all, the adventure of interning in events has been a roller coaster, but it has been so worth it. The past 6 months have been crazy and filled with ups and downs. I knew as soon as I got to ACU that it was exactly where I needed to be and I know that is also true with this internship as well. 

It is crazy and exciting and everyday is a new adventure, adventure being the key word. People are always telling me "wow your job is so cool" and to be honest, it really is. I tend to work a lot and get sent on some wild goose chases sometimes, but I wouldn't change a thing. 

So here's to interning and all that comes along with it. Here's to the journey it has been and continues to be. 

Your Favorite Redhead

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